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You are the reason for our existence. You are very important to us. Therefore, if you support us regularly we will support you and give back to you through our loyalty program.

Our loyalty program gives you benefits as you go. It will entitle you to receive 12.5 hours of massage therapy at the cost of 11 hours. This is a total saving of $99.00 (calculated on standard charge of $66.00 per hour). Also at the end of this package of 12 sessions the real cost of each massage treatment session will be $58.00 with a saving of $8.00

Loyalty card 

Our loyalty program will allow you to enjoy the following special conditions:

Just make sure that your card is stamped by our therapist at the end of each massage therapy session to collect your reward.

A percentage of the turnover will be donated to our charity. So, you can help others just helping yourself to maintain your health and fitness.

Therefore, if you support us, you support our charity as well. Together we can build a better community for the benefits of our children.

Thank you for being our client.